About me

Born in a small half francophone town in Ontario. Grew up in a city in Alberta.

My DNA results [98.3% European] = [French & German 71.6%] [British & Irish 10.1%]

Fluent in English and French

I always say I’m lucky to know a second language fluently, because I never really chose to speak French. It just happened that I was born where I was, born into a family that spoke French, so I always say that I’m just default, straight out the box, bilingual. I don’t take credit for it, but I’m so thankful for it as I’m sure there are benefits of knowing two languages at a young age in how your brain compartmentalizes information and stores knowledge. Also makes it easier to learn new languages in my opinion.

Competitive Sports: Baseball and Handball

Overall athlete growing up with a very competitive spirit, I have vivid memories of an annual Olympic-style competition where we would earn ribbons based on our performance in events like long jump, high jump, running, etc. I remember taking home the most ribbons in my class and feeling immensely proud of that achievement. I think it was at that moment I realized competition and sports would be a good outlet for me. Growing up, my main sport was playing baseball. I was always the captain of my team and had a great affinity for leading. I just took a liking to the role of being a captain and a good player all at the same time. I also love anything related to speed and agility, such as skiing, longboarding, and biking.

I’ve always been a very social, interpersonal type of person. I love having connections with as many people as I can, both professionally as well as in friendships. I really take a liking to social atmospheres and dynamics with a wide range of people, that liking for this has led to a very good and extensive knowledge of reading the room and understanding people’s emotions and feelings without them having to express it. This is a very valuable asset I’ve been able to have, grow, and work on that you can’t put a price on.

I entered the electrical trade while still in high school, fast-tracking my education and certification. This move paid off as I started earning good money quickly, all while absorbing knowledge from the blue-collar world. The grit and camaraderie among the men I frequently interacted with, and eventually led, taught me a lot—not just about handling tools, but also about stepping into my own as a man. Being the youngest yet leading guys much older than me was an incredible lesson in leadership; earning their respect and embodying a leadership role at such a young age reinforced my self-assurance in my capabilities. I was reliable, ready for more responsibilities, and the position honed my leadership skills further. Observing the lives of my older guys and learning from their pitfalls provided invaluable insights that I continue to carry with me.

I’ve always been a huge nerd in terms of technology. I started at a young age, being fascinated with just a simple laptop, and then that passion grew deeper and deeper into wanting to know everything that’s new in technology, what are the latest advancements, as well as just being the person that when they get a new device, I have to go through all the settings and make sure everything is set up correctly. I love taking the time to fully learn and grasp whether that’s a program or a device; it’s just a rewarding feeling for me. Technology, in general, is a realm I thrive in.

Traveling is a very important aspect to my growth as a person. Being immersed in a different culture and meeting other like-minded people from different ethnicities and backgrounds really opened up my eyes to the true meaning of both friends, living life, and experiences. I strongly advise looking at how much time you’ve spent in the current place you live and wondering if it’s all worth it, or if you need to start leveraging traveling more to build more connections around the world.

Exploring the mind and our own consciousness has always been something that is extremely fascinating to me, and I’ve gained a lot of valuable insight from these experiences. They have to be taken with caution and done with the right state of mind, but I think that the gains mentally a person can make both in how they view themselves and the world around them is so important and so valuable. Words don’t even describe the feelings of bliss and harmony you can feel within your existence by achieving other mental states and taking the knowledge it gives you. Then harnessing that in your everyday life. It’s so profound, so impactful, and it truly can’t be explained with words; it needs to be felt from within.

Love making Content 

Fitness has become the adult version of sports for me. I take a lot of pride in having a body that I am proud of. Whenever I look in the mirror, I feel happy and rewarded by the hard work I put in. Additionally, other people see you as a disciplined, well-organized, logic-based individual. Having a nice physique is also a daily reminder that good things take time and a small win every day adds up over time, setting a standard within yourself that you can achieve big, wild goals—it just takes time, effort, and consistency. I’m very passionate about this because the change it had on me mentally was enormous. A fitness physique you are proud of translates into many aspects of your life, both health and wellness, but also with building connections with others. You garner respect automatically, especially amongst other men, and the women love it too.

Curiosity has always been a major fundamental aspect of my life. Having gone to a Catholic school growing up, from the very beginning, I questioned faith, reality, and justice. Being an empathetic listener has complemented my curious nature, aiding in understanding diverse perspectives. I’ve always been curious as to what’s really going on, what is the real information, and how things truly work.

I was a huge gamer in my teenage years (who wasn’t) as it was a great way to escape reality and scratch that competitive itch while also talking with friends. I was really obsessed with Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 on the 360 and played those games a lot and at a competitive level GameBattles profile. Also, Trickshotting era on MW2 was next level this link will take you to my old gaming YouTube channel ZahpY with montages and crazy gaming clips!

Top 6 games of all time for me is, no particular order.

  1. Call of Duty 4
  2. Modern Warfare 2
  3.  Minecraft
  4. Skate 2
  5. CSGO
  6. Rocket League

My Goals

My goals in life are to live and sustain a life that doesn’t need to be escaped, both physically and mentally. I want to exist in an environment amongst people I truly enjoy, while remaining dedicated and committed to the consistent path I’ve been on of always getting better and improving. Because at the end of the day, we are a species that evolved, and evolution is improvement. I want to continue that sentiment to feel fulfilled in all attributes of life.

"The way you do anything, is the way you do everything"
The quote implies that your approach to small tasks mirrors your approach to all tasks, highlighting behavioral consistency.
"Stop analysis paralysis, just do"
This quote means stop overthinking things and just take action.
"You never lose if you never quit"
if you keep trying and don't give up, you can't really lose.